Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bad Lesson Plan

So, for my EHS 401 class, in addition to finding several good lesson plans, we also had to find a bad lesson plan.  My bad lesson plan comes from LessonPlanPages.com.  Ultimately, its not that this lesson has no potential whatsoever, its just that it seems very poorly put together.  It comes across as something a teacher threw together at the last minute, or perhaps he/she was brainstorming and simply wrote down a few of his/her ideas.  Obviously, during the initial stages of a lesson plan, we all have some pretty terrible ideas - but most of us don't publish them on the web!

After reading S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, students are supposed to write a fake letter to the newspaper justifying Bob's (a character in the novel) death.  The teacher breaks the class into collaborative groups, gives them 30 vocabulary words, and makes them write the "letter" using all 30 vocabulary word in - get this - five minutes!!  What the?!!  I've got news for you, that's gonna' be the crappiest letter ever written!

Anyway, I've rambled long enough.  Click the link above and feast your eyes on this disaster of a lesson plan.

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